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Melissa, cleaner in Sherbrooke northwest J1L

With recommendation
Identity verified
Driver’s license

I love working and being useful. I grew up in a family if 5 children and learned to do chores at an early age.
I don't mind getting dirty while working and i pay close attention to detail.
I'm very friendly and love to please.
I have no problem helping elderly people and enjoy keeping them company.

Services offered
Household tasks
Help with shopping
House sitter
Moving home help
Spoken languages
English (mother tongue)
French (fluent)

Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
4 verified recommendations

Price asked
per hour

The rate varies according to the length of time needed to complete the job as well as the job circumstances.

Melissa can provide references from recent employers

Younes B.
Que de bons commentaires, la communication était parfaite, et nos chiens étaient très content et sage à notre retour
Phil C.
Melissa a garder nos enfants souvent chez nous a la maison, et de plus elle les a garder pendant les journees qu'ils passaient a la plage en ville. Nos enfants apprecient beaucoup le temps qu'ils passent avec Melissa, qui demontre une appreciation des besoins de chacun de nos enfants. Melissa a une habilete inouie de resoudre les problemes des enfants, et entres 2 enfants ou plus. Elle est fiable et veut toujours bien faire. Nous sommes tres content d'avoir Melissa comme gardienne, et je n'aurais aucune reservation pour la recommander a d'autres famille.
Christine B.
Je connais Mélissa depuis déjà plus d'un an et demi. Lorsque j'ai fais appel à elle, j'ai eu une belle réponse chaleureuse de sa part. Elle est venue rencontrer nos enfants et nous a mis tout de suite en confiance. Les enfants l'ont tout de suite adopté, ils passent toujours un bon moment et s'amusent beaucoup quand elle vient garder. Elle les fait bouger, leur lit des histoires, bricole, bref elle est très créative pour s'occuper d'eux. Nous sommes tombés sur une perle qui aime les enfants et ça paraît. Alors c'est très facile de la recommander.
Marie-pierre C.
We hired Melissa so she takes care of our three children aged 4 , 3 years and 22 months respectively while we are working. She plays a lot with them and is able to deal independently with several very young children. She is very cheerful , kind, caring, independent autonomous, responsible, compassionate, resourceful . She takes herself to numerous initiatives such as bathing children without being asked . She often brings surprises for children. She is respectful of the children moods and can change rapidly the atmosphere. She is very imaginative for games also. She gives useful advices that works and that we apply for the education of our children. Of all the nannies we had , Melissa is the most professional and we truly feel the love and the pleasure she has to babysit . I definitely recommend to all types of families. She is a 5 stars' nanny.
Help at home
Sherbrooke Northwest
Connected 5 days ago - Available now

No updates for 3 months
Early in the morning
End of the day
Available during school holidays


Identity verified
Email verified
Phone number verified
4 verified recommendations


Price asked
per hour

The rate varies according to the length of time needed to complete the job as well as the job circumstances.