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Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

...and it’s free!

Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Can we get in contact and meet for free? Yes it’s possible here:-)


Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

I graduated from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in 1996 and then worked for the Canadian Wildlife Service and consulting companies for 10 years. Then, I became TESOL/TOEFL and tutor certified. I have been an ESL teacher for 28 years having taught in Canada (Banff, Vancouver) and abroad ( Egypt, Greece, Korea, Saudia Arabia) Currently I am teaching Korean students in Vancouver -students ranging from grade 5 to 12 and at The Milky Way education centre in Vancouver (SSAT). ...