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Every day hundreds of new ads.

With Confidence

Verifications, opinions, references: search with peace of mind!

Hello, My name is Seyoung (Sarah) , and I am a 2nd year chemical engineering student, currently enrolled at the University of Toronto. I have been tutoring different age groups of students. In total, I have been tutoring students whose ages are five, seven, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and seventeen. Usually, I tutored mathematics but I also tutored chemistry and music as well. While I tutored these students, I identified areas for improvement and adjusted individual’s lesson based o...

I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Canada's East coast. I have experience tutoring in math, physics, statistics and ESL. I currently tutor on a contract basis with one of Toronto's most popular tutoring services. I take pride in coming to each lesson with a positive attitude, prepared and ready to teach. Aside from tutoring, I have a full-time job in the energy industry and enjoy playing sports such as hockey and soccer. Let me know how I can help you or a family member succeed.

Bonjour, je me nomme Paola. Je mets une annonce pour vous prévenir que je serais disponible pour aider vos enfants dans leur matières. Je peux faire tout et n'importe quelle matière de l'école mais je suis surtout meilleure en maths. Appelez si vous êtes intéressés, vous n'allez pas être déçus!! Hi, my name is Paola. I am anouncing this so you can know that I can help your children with thier homeworks or just any classes in school. I can do anything but I am better in math classes. Call...

I'm Salvador Guido, I'm a 23 y/o Digital Systems & Robotics engineer and I've been teaching all kind of subjects since I was in high school. I love teaching and learning from my students. I hope to hear from you soon!!

Thank you for your interest. I am a teacher of Mathematics and Sciences. For ten years now, I have been teaching In person and tutoring students K-12 online regularly in the field of Mathematics, sciences and language arts. The subjects which I cover for secondary students are: - Mathematics (Algebra, Data management, Advanced Functions, Calculus etc.) - Chemistry - Biology In college and university levels For elementary and high school students, I focus on reviewing fundament...

New mommy and supply teacher for high school sciences, experienced tutor and lover of education. Have worked in both the public and private school systems and looking to fill a more permanent client base in our new neighbourhood. Subjects include: Maths - Grade 1 - 8 Science - Grades 1 - 10, Chemistry 11, Biology 11 and 12, university level anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry